Earth Summit in Copenhagen

By December 15, 2009Uncategorized

The words “stress” and “change” are often used synonymously. Perhaps nowhere are these two words use with such frequency as they have been last week and this week in Copenhagen. World leaders, scientists, environmentalists and policy makers are attending the Earth Summit in Copenhagen to address the perfect storm of stress known as “Global Warming” (the term “Climate Change” was coined by a George W Bush adviser to market a softer take on this problem). Sadly, a report last week stated that over 55% of Americans now don’t believe the planetary weather changes are real or have anything to do with human impact (those living in low lying island nations who are already feeling the impact find this ignorance hard to believe). Experts asked to decipher this “poll of Americans on global warming) suggest that denial is an important (if not potentially deadly) coping technique when other stressful matters hit closer to home, such as personal finances, health issues/insurance, and job security (or job searching). Adapting to change, whether it’s finding a new job, relocating to a new house (or apartment) or dramatically decreasing your carbon footprint, will mostly likely include some stress. Some call it growing pains, and this is natural. While some fear change, the bottom line is that we must all learn to embrace it, for nothing is certain but change. Adaptation is the key. In the words of Nietzsche, “That which does not kill me, makes me stronger.”

• Stress Tip of the Day
One of the best effective coping techniques is called “Information Seeking.” It involves doing some homework on a topic to get a good handle on the situation. Take some time to educate yourself on the topic of global warming—not from Fox News or other opinionated “news” organizations, but from several sound news organizations. Knowledge is power!

• Links Worth Noting:
The topic of global warming can be daunting to say the least, so to add some emotional levity, here is a totally unrelated link that hopefully will make you smile (I did and am still laughing). Enjoy!

• Photo of the Day:
As some of you know, I was in Greenland several months ago to complete some filming for my documentary, Earth Songs. There is no direct route to Greenland from the US. Pretty much everyone has to go through Denmark (in this case Copenhagen). I was lucky enough to have a friend and colleague (Hej Christian) who with his lovely wife, Anette, showed me Copenhagen like NOBODY sees Copenhagen. Here is a photo from my stay there, a classic shot of Nyhaven Harbor. By the way, unlike low lying islands that are losing beach front property, Greenland is actually rising out of the ocean due to the decreased weight of the Greenland Ice Sheet that is decreasing due to melting from… you guessed it, global warming.

• Quote for the Day:
“The only person who likes change… is a wet baby.” — Roy Blitzer

Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D. is an internationally renowned expert in the fields of stress management, mind-body-spirit healing and stress and human spirituality. He is the author of over 10 books including the bestsellers, Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water, Stressed Is Desserts Spelled Backward, The Art of Calm, Quiet Mind, Fearless Heart and Managing Stress (6E). He can be reached through his

© Brian Luke Seaward, Ph.D.

Brian Luke Seaward

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